Blog Homework 4: Unit 6

Part I. Let's practice first!

Unit 6:  Are we responsible for the world we live in?

In this section, you will find a series of links that contain explanations and exercises on several topics important in Unit 6. It is your responsibility to study the topics and complete all the exercises provided. You should not send any results from this section.

Let's begin!

GRAMMAR:  Gerunds and Infinitives

Let's look at a simple view of this topic.  Watch this short video: 

Let's study the following flashcards.  They will help your memory remember more!

In the following video, you will study more detailed examples and rules on the use of gerunds and infinitives:

Now, you will see a series of websites with useful tips to remember the correct use of this grammar topic.  You can also practice online!

Let's play some games now!  Click here: 

  1.  Gerunds and Infinitives Game 1
  2. Gerunds and Infinitives Game 2

Quiz Time!

  1. Quiz 1
  2. Quiz 2

Part II. It's Time to Communicate!!!

Think about your life experiences as you answer the following questions:

  1. At what age did you learn about responsibility? What were your responsibilities?
  2. What kind of responsibility should a child be accountable for?
  3. What responsibilities do you have as an adult? 
  4. What challenges do people face nowadays to be personally and socially responsible?
  5. How can we combine social and personal responsibility in our daily lives as adults?

B.  Choose a classmate's answer and identify what you have in common.  

  1. Post your homework as a comment at the end of this blog.
  2. Remember:  Be careful with the use appropriate vocabulary and grammar structures studied in this unit.  Check your work before you post it.
  3. This homework assignment is worth 2.5%.  
  4. Due date:  November 27th, at 9:00 A.M. 


  1. 1. I learned to be responsible when I entered the first year of high school since I already had to travel alone to the high school and do my homework alone.
    2. Since child the people can learn to be responsibility like learn put on clothes or save your toys, after can be help your mother on the house chores.
    3. I have be responsabilities with my studies and help in the house chores also care me sister.
    4. The people have much responsabities in the society for example care of the enviroment with the recycling, care of the street, decrease the use of car and when a person takes the dog for a walk pick up the poop of this.
    5. We as adults are the example for society to improve, if I take a good action the other people will also do it and in that way society will advance.

    1. Tiffany and I agree with kids helping with the house chores. Also, we have some responsibilities at home, house chores and our studies, as well. Another thing that we have in common is that we both think that we need to make good actions.

  2. 1. I learnt about responsibility when I was seventeen years old. At that age, I had to take care of my dog, washing the dishes and cleaning my room. But also, I had to make a decision about which university I was more interested in, which it was a big deal for me.
    2. Children have to be responsible with school grades and those things, but there are some responsibilities at home too. For example, they can take put the garbage, feeding their pet, or vacuum the house. They need to familiarize with the idea of bigger responsibilities. The more you grow, the more responsibilities you have.
    3. I’m responsible for taking care of my dog, being responsible with my projects and exams, cleaning my room, washing the dishes and help around the house if my mom needs it.
    4. People are facing responsibilities such as their job, their family and home. At work, the challenge is waking up early to go to work and doing your best. Also, following the company´s rules and standards. In the family, people are responsible for always having food, water and also to be healthy, just to mention some of them.
    5. We can combine those two by understanding that we need to pay a “price for living”. We need to give something back to society. We just have to be aware about what other people need, to be kind and giving without expecting something back, or sometimes just to make the right thing. We also need to take a minute to think about the planet that we live in: sometimes we take a lot of things from nature and we do not give something in return. So, I think that this combination can work if we are active citizens, and not only at politics.

    1. I'm agree with Natalia in the second question, the children can do some house chores and it is important to teach them this because in this way they have to take seriously their responsibilities.Also, I'm agree with the answer number three, because we have the same responsibilities like adults.

    2. I'm agree with Nati in the answer from the last question, because it's important to us as adult people to undestand that "we need to pay a price for living" as she said. Also, I'm completely agree when she says that we have to think about the planet that we live in. In my opinion this is a very important aspect of being responsible, because the actions that we do at this moment are going to be the consequences for the future generations and if we don't take care of the world now, what are we going to leave our children or grandchildren in the future?

    3. I loved your last answer. We have to be able for thinking the risk that we represent for the planet and change the way we treat it. Also, we need to think about the several things that we have to do for helping the colectivity and the habitats around us.

  3. 1.I learned about responsibilities around the age of 10 years and I had learned to have responsibilities such as doing house chores, learning to study myself, doing homework at school.
    2. I think that the children should have responsibilities such as doing their homework or studying themselves.Also, some house chores can be responsibilities for children; for example, doing the bed, washing dishes.
    3.In my case, I have responsibilities since my childhood but I have taken more responsibilities like be more independent in my studies, handling my money, doing more house chores like doing the laundry or cooking the food for everyone and take care of my little sister also.
    4.People have to fulfill more responsibilities en their days.Some examples are doing the best they can in the jobs or the schools, also trying to be a good person with people around them.
    5.In my opinion, we have to combine the social and personal responsibilities to have a good style of life.We can do this helping other persons around us, taking our life with the correct responsibilities with family members, friends, in the jobs, in the schools too.

    1. I'm agree with Rachell's answers. If we want to have a better life, we have to fulfill our personal responsibilities and combine them with our social responsibilities. In this way we avoid unnecessary troubles or stress. However, we could have a quiet life and feel better with ourselves.

      Also, I'm agree with the resposibilities that children could have. I think that if the families teach to their children to be resposible, the society is going to improve everyday.

  4. 1. I understood the meaning of responsibility at the age of seven, when I was in first grade of school. I had to help out with the house's chores and do my homework by myself.

    2. It is necessary to teach the children what is responsibility and the reason why is important. A good way to show this to the kids is ask them to pick up their toys and to take care of a pet. Also, children are able to order their room and organize their closet.

    3. Now, I have a lot of responsibilities. Since I entered in the university I have been learnt how to manage the money and time. Also, I have to do the laundry and cook for myself.

    4.Well, I think that people face the stress and the busy life. Almost always people have no time for check up on all their responsibilities. Sometimes the busy life causes that people forget their obligations and they can't fullfil with them.

    5.We can combine personal and social responsibilities doing good actions. A good example of this is that we are studying for teaching english, so we need to complete our personal obligations, like do the homework, study hard and be in time on classes for in a future be good teachers. We combine the personal with the social for teach in the appropiate way.

    1. I am agree with Jessica´s comment because we have the same opinions such as the age when we had responsibilities for the first time ever and also we think that the kids can be able to do some activities like clean their rooms.

    2. I agree with Jessica because we think that a child has to be responsible organizing his or her toys and for understanding what is the importance of the responsibility. Also, when we combine personal and social responsibility we talked about that what we do it is related to the social.

    3. I am agree with Jessica because she know that responsabilities are important in each person. I think that this help for to be a good person in all areas of life. She learn since child to be responsable which is good because it helps you now that are an adult to know that is that has priority.

  5. 1. At what age did you learn about responsibility? What were your responsibilities?

    I think that I learned about responsibility from seven years old when I I entered the school. My responsibilities were: Doing homework, cleaning my room before go to school and helping my mother with some things at home.

    2. What kind of responsibility should a child be accountable for?

    A child should be responsible for going to the school, doing homework, organizing her or his clothes, toys and books, also,respecting the other children and adults.

    3. What responsibilities do you have as an adult?

    As an adult I'm responsible for giving a good effort at university, being conscious about how is my country, respecting the nature and having good relationships with the other people.

    4. What challenges do people face nowadays to be personally and socially responsible?

    Nowadays people have a lot of challenges to be responsible because this society makes us to be disinterested about what happens around us. The system transforms us in consumer that don't think in other thing more than in ourselves and this situation have to change.We need open our mind and understand that everybody is part of one big everything.

    5. How can we combine social and personal responsibility in our daily lives as adults?

    First of all, we need to know what we are doing in bad way and how can we change, in this manner when we change ourselves, we will change the rest of the world with the other people.

  6. 1. I learnt about responsibility when I was seven years old, I remember that when I started in the school everything was new for me and had to take a lot of responsibilities such as do my homework, study for exams, go to classes everyday and to be organized.
    2. I think that children since little must have their own responsibilities for a better tomorrow to themselves. Among 4 and 5 years old, they should clean their bedrooms.
    3. In my case, I have to do all the chores in my house and be organized with my money.
    4. Nowadays, people face several tasks in their daily lives, such as get a good job and keep it. Related to socially responsible people must pay their taxes.
    5. The best way to combine social and personal responsibility is being careful with the planet we are live in, for example you can avoid plastic bags and with that action you can save money and at the same time avoid the nature environment.

    1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    2. I'm agree with you Karla, the children need some responsibilities since they are kids, like cleaning their rooms, for be responsible in the future.

  7. 1-Since I was a child my parents taught me to be responsible for my behaviors and for the things that I do. Some of my responsibilities were go to school every day, clean my room, be responsible with the homework, and study for the exams.
    2-In my opinion a child should be responsible for his or her behavior, knowing what is wrong and what is right. Also, a child should be responsible for cleaning his or her bedroom, picking up and organizing toys, taking care of the environment, studying, and doing homework.
    3-Nowadays, some of my responsibilities are be responsible of my behaviors, of what I do and what do not do; dedicate time to study and do homework for the university; help my mother with house chores. Additionally, some of the social responsibilities I take are picking up the garbage and taking care of nature.
    4-I think that one challenge that affects personal responsible is the lack of compromise. Sometimes a person has ideas or projects, but for some reason he or she loses the interest and the person does not continue with the idea or the project anymore.
    On the other hand, one challenge that can affect the social responsibility is the lack of time, because a person can be part of a specific group and because of time he or she forgets the charge of it.
    5-I think that all the actions that a person does -can be good or bad- become to be part of the society because whatever she or he does affect in a positive or negative way. For example, if a responsible person cares about taking care the environment, this affects positively the society.

    1. I like the comment of Astrid and I see it very important that parents teach her as a child to be responsible, that opens the way for her to be independent and do her own things alone.

    2. In the same way, my parents also taught me to be responsible for my bad behavior and for the things that I did, and I think the same about children and what they should do in their houses. Actually, I like all the Astrid´s answers, for me she is right with her thought.

  8. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  9. 1. I learnt about responsibility at the age of 14 years old, when I got into high school. At that moment I realized that I had to be responsible for all my subjects in high school, being on time to classes, studying and get good grades and also presenting my homework on time.

    2. I believe that children before they get into school have to know the meaning of being responsible, and their parents could teach them by order to pick up the toys they use when they finish playing with them. Then, when they are older by helping their parents to make the house chores, also with getting good grades on their school exams and doing their homework.

    3. As an adult I have a lot of responsibilities, since I got into university I have to be more responsible with my time, I have to be very organized for doing my homework, study and have done all my projects on time. Since I have the scholarship from the university I have the obligation of being responsible for all my expenses.

    4. Nowadays people are facing a lot of responsibilities with their jobs, as following the rules of the companies they work for and also taking care of their families that most of the time is the hardest work. Personally, people have to face many accountabilities such as stress or emotional problems that are very common in this century.

    5. I believe that as adults we have to be an example for future generations and that is why we have to combine social and personal responsibilities, like being a good student and get good grades on exams or not fighting with other people if they did something to us, other important aspect that as adults we have to teach the future generations is to taking care of the planet that we live in and don´t pollute it more; those actions allow us to show younger people what they have or do not have to do as a responsible person in a future.

    1. I think you're right with your second answer. Parents have to educate their child at a very young age by teaching them all about the chores of the house and the responsibilities in their environment . A child need to try every thing that can help him being a better person.

  10. 1. At what age did you learn about responsibility? What were your responsibilities? I think I had learned about responsibilities when I was about five or six years old. However, the type of responsibility that I acquired was according to the age I had at that time, for example, make my bed, feed the cat and do the homework.
    2. What kind of responsibility should a child be accountable for? I believe that a kid is capable enough as to learn how to collect the toys after playing, how to make the bed, how to take care of pets…
    3. What responsibilities do you have as an adult? As an adult I have several responsibilities. In the first place, I am responsible for washing clothes, preparing dinner, taking care of my brothers, doing homework, taking care of the environment, taking care of natural resources ...
    4. What challenges do people face nowadays to be personally and socially responsible? Perhaps the fact that today it is difficult to act responsibly with natural resources since our culture has accustomed us to neglect these types of issues. In addition, because of nowadays stress, people tend to forget the responsibilities that they have as citizens of this country.
    5. How can we combine social and personal responsibility in our daily lives as adults? People could change their lifestyle, integrating positive thoughts from both areas, they can also try to implement responsible ideas related to environment and moral values. In this way, personal and social responsibilities would become one.

  11. 1.I learned about responsibility since I have memory, approximately at the age of six. My parents thought me everything I had to do in my house as a daughter, in my community as a citizen and in my environment as a person. My responsibilities were related to make my own chores and to aid everyone around me, some examples are: cleaning my room, putting the garbage in the trash can, helping my neighbors and being polite with them.
    2.I think that responsibilities must be adequate for the age of the child, but this one has to learn about the huge duty that he or she has in the society. Some of these responsibilities can be: respecting his or her parents and aiding in the house, asking and learning about the benefits of recycling process, protecting his or her surrounding and having a good behavior with his/her equals. The child has to be able for support his own place and community.
    3.I have to assume a lot of obligations since I became an adult. Now, I’m responsible for taking care of my dogs, managing my own money, recycling the garbage in my house, among others. It’s not a problem for me to be responsible, because now I can have a louder voice in the world and I’m ready to persuade everyone around me for making a great change.
    4.For people, being socially responsible as a person for itself and for the society has some difficult demands because this surrounding is worst every day, so for some people actions like consuming healthy food, appropriating their behavior, reaching better expectations on the world and some other more are a hard duties but they’re not impossible.
    5.In my opinion, it’s a simple task for us as adults. We have an important role in our communities because we’re supposed to have wiser thoughts. Due to that, we can approach this opportunity for allow ourselves to think in a different way to help and change our environment and making people interested in saving their world.

  12. 1. At what age did you learn about responsibility? What were your responsibilities? I learnt about responsibility when I was eight or seven years old. At that age, I had to do my homework and study for the exams. Also, I remember that I had to help out with the house chores, such as washing the dishes and cleaning my room.
    2. What kind of responsibility should a child be accountable for? In my opinion, children should be responsible for having good grades, doing the homework, helping at home, like cleaning their room. But also, learn to be responsible in the community and with the environment, can be recycling and don’t pollute.
    3. What responsibilities do you have as an adult? I’m responsible for helping with the house chores, taking care my brother, being responsible with my exams and homework and also don’t pollute.
    4. What challenges do people face nowadays to be personally and socially responsible? People have to be responsible in their job, community and with their family. In the community, people should be sure about the proper disposal of garbage and have their car in good conditions. In the family, people are responsible for paying the services and having food and water. Besides, at work people should dress appropriately and getting on time.
    5. How can we combine social and personal responsibility in our daily lives as adults? I think that responsibilities are combining, because if you are irresponsible in your life, you cannot socially responsible. We can provide help anywhere and for anyone without expecting something back. . Also, we should take the best decisions with the country and give a good example.

  13. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  14. 1. I think I learned about responsibilities at early age when I had to organize my room, doing some house chores according to my age, helping my parents or grandparents with some things, and doing homework or studying depending on my school level.
    2. In my opinion, children should be responsible for their behavior, also they have to do some house chores, their homework, and help with other house´s needs. Also, I think it is important when we are a child, caring for a pet so we can learn a lot of things about life.
    3. The most important responsibility I have is studying, and some other responsibilities are cleaning my room, doing night dishes, doing and organizing laundry, and I have to handle my money well.
    4. When a person has to do many things at the same time to survive, they are full of stress. For that, they forget other important parts of their lives, for example; being responsible with the world or people, such as recycling or treating people in a good way. The previous actions are important to be personally and socially responsible.
    5. Maybe we can find the best way to live, combining social and personal responsibility, being a good habitant and friendly with the world or treating people well. All people could think about this, and it is very easy to write but difficult to apply every day. Also, including good habits in the daily life we can find stability.

    1. I agree with Laura in question 2, a child must have as responsibilities to have a good behavior and doing some house chores.

  15. 1. I learned about responsibilities when I was 12 years old, at that age my responsibilities were to take care of my sister when my parents were not there, to wash my clothes, to clean the house.

    2. I believe that a child should have responsibilities such as: cleaning his room, doing his bed, respecting the rules of the house and school, feeding the pets.

    3. Some of the responsibilities that you have as an adult are: Respect the laws, be a good citizen, if you have children take care of them, do not arrive late to work or to the University, Have a good work or academic performance depending on the case to which we mean.

    4. Everyone faces responsibilities at home, at work and in society, for example: doing housework, paying bills, bringing food to the house, taking care of children, making sure everyone in the family is healthy, be a good citizen, respect others, respect the rules of society, be a good worker, meet all the requirements of work, get to work early.

    5. I believe that we can combine social and personal responsibility, being a model to follow, fulfilling all our responsibilities, helping others and helping to take care of our community.


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